DROPPINGS – An indicator for the bird health

It is very important to check that the bird is really eating. Birds are very good at hiding their sickness. They may be seen eating at the dish bowl, but actually they will not be eating but just pretending that they are eating. They would just scattering the seeds. An indication that the bird is not eating can be had by observing the droppings. When the bird stops eating the fecal matter in the droppings decreases. When there is none at it means the bird is starvation for some reason.

“Bird droppings are made up of three components: feces are the green part, which is the residue of the digested food passed through the intestines, Urates is the white portion which is produced in the kidney. Urine is the watery part which is filtered through the kidney.
Healthy bird droppings are not always the same. They can vary in color and still be health, that is normal can display an array of colors and still be considered "normal, as the color of the droppings depends on the diet.
Birds that eat fruits with lot of water contents like water melon have watery droppings. Those that feed on dark fruits and vegetables like Pomegranate, Raspberry, black berry or Beetroot and Red colored pellets pass out red colored droppings, which are sometimes mistaken for blood in droppings.
Birds have diarrhea when there is an infection, such droppings ere contains undigested seeds and air bubbles Diarrhea sometimes can be also be caused due to stress or Polyuria.(this is due to different reason)
Some hints as to what it could be according to the color of the droppings
According to the color of the Urates in the droppings :
URATES - White chalky part
BROWN – Lead, Iron or Zinc Poisoning
GREEN / green and sticky - Digestive issue, Bacterial infection, liver disorder, E.Coli or Salmonella infection.
RED - An indication of internal bleeding. Fresh blood indicates bleeding from the lower digestive tract and the dark blood fresh is an indication for bleeding from the upper digestive tract or liver issues.
Increased Urates – Kidney issues or dehydration
YELLOW – Liver issues
According to the color of the Urine in the droppings :
URINE – Watery part
BROWN / BLACK / RED – Internal bleeding (upper digestive tract)
LIGHT GREEN – Liver issues, E.Coli or Salmonella infection.
WHITE / LIGHT BROWN – Dehydration, Digestive disorder or issues related to Pancreas.
UNDIGESTED seeds – issues with digestion, PDD or ,Giardia.
BUBBLES in the dropping – Digestion issue
STINKY – Bacterial / Fungal infection.

Difference between Diarrhea and Polyuria
DIARRHEA - the feces matter will not be solid and will not be tubular shape. But will be loose and smudged with Urates and Urine. Usually this is due to indigestion, Bacterial / fungal infection and possible Zinc, Lead or Iron poisoning.
POLYURIA - Excessive water in the droppings but feces remains normal. Usually the cause is Zinc, lead, Iron poisoning, stress, viral infection or liver issues.
Article Source : Sadiq Bhaimia Sir


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